Spare Parts and SKD


Automobile firms concern supply by spare parts with a great attention and a thrift. This results from the fact that overstocking by unmarketable spare parts conducts to considerable financial costs while the lack of best-selling details promotes drop of competitiveness of the car, to sale cutting-down, and is possible, and position loss in the market.

Operative supply of clients by qualitative spare parts to lorries, buses and the road-building technics is one of the important factors influencing the decision of clients of corporation VIB about purchase technicians. The general term of operation of technics, traffic safety depends on quality of spare parts used at repairs and regular service.

For maintenance of efficiency of supply with spare parts there are two most widespread variants of the decision – to deliver in considerable quantities spare parts from the country of the manufacturer of cars and to store in all largest cities, or to make the most running positions in the countries of sale of cars.

The first variant is preferable at the initial stage of an exit of new production on the market when the buyer is yet familiar with quality and productivity of the Chinese cars. At increase in sales volumes import of spare parts in great volumes leads to low efficiency of investments, low liquidity of spare parts. Thus the cost price of spare parts only increases in due course at the expense of storage costs in a warehouse.

Manufacture of quickly wearing out spare parts and such as rubber products, filters, fastening elements etc. does not demand application of expensively modern equipment and allows to make them at the existing Russian enterprises. Cost of such spare parts much more low in comparison with imported, and efficiency of deliveries much above. In this case there is no necessity to store in considerable quantities spare parts in warehouses of our dealers.

One more possibility of localisation of manufacture of cars to Russia, this building joint Russian - the Chinese factories on manufacture of such accessories for the Chinese technics as bridges, gear boxes, steering units. The price of the made accessories for joint ventures in Russia more low, than the price of accessories delivered from China. For such joint ventures new possibilities on expansion of the sphere of influence in the Russian market, after all almost all Chinese production which is delivered to Russia open, is equipped with identical basic accessories. In the last some years bridges and the gear boxes, made at the Chinese factories already are delivered to Russia for assembly of domestic marks of heavy trucks that does the organisation of co-production of accessories for the Chinese technics perspective and favourable.

On some models heavy trucks, buses and the road-building technics Chinese automobile manufacture have already received the international certificates of quality and have passed to the uniform ecological standard with the European manufacturers that opens one more possibility for export from Russia in the countries of Europe of accessories and the spare parts made at joint Russian-Chinese factories.

Creation of co-productions of spare parts and accessories will allow to provide close integration of the Russian and Chinese motor industry that will bring benefit to both countries and the most important thing to clients who wishes to maintain the qualitative, productive and inexpensive technics.

Investments into co-production of spare parts and accessories provide technological growth of mechanical engineering to Russia and strengthening of trade and economic relations between Russia and China.

WIB Corporation has a wide experience of cooperation with the Russian and Chinese factories on manufacture of quickly wearing and account materials for the Chinese auto trucks and invites to cooperation of all interested manufacturers and investors.